As an ambassador for the eye health charity Orbis, I'm excited to invite my friends, family, partners and loyal customers to join me on a trip of a lifetime.

This week-long trip will showcase the best of Ethiopia, from its rich history and vibrant culture to its mouthwatering cuisine, stunning landscapes, and fascinating wildlife.

We will also visit Orbis's sight-saving programs to witness their incredible impact firsthand. Their work is truly life-changing, not only restoring vision but the entire futures of those they help. By tackling avoidable blindness, they enable children to stay in school, families to remain self-sufficient, and grandparents to fully participate in family life, creating lasting change for generations.

On the Sunday, I'll be participating in the Great Ethiopian Run. Dubbed the world's biggest fun run, it promises fiesta-like vibes in the Ethiopian sunshine. This is optional for the trip; you don't have to take part, but it will be a lot of fun for those who do. Although I’m personally planning to do the run, there are some members of my family and friends who fully intend to walk. This is totally fine. The most important thing to do is have fun.
Trip Details
We are also encouraging fundraising of £2000 (or more) to raise money for Orbis’ fantastic work. Participants of the run can ask donors for Gift Aid if they are a UK taxpayer.
Orbis are mapping out an exact itinerary, which my team will share with those who are keen to join me. Look out for more news soon, including upcoming events and ways to support this fantastic cause.